website analysis 3

 The Proposal Official Web Site

In the red circle, the trailer of the film plays automatically as the audience goes onto the page. It is the main focus of the page and keeps the audiences attention.
In the green circle there is a coherent image of the two main actors which will help the audience associate all of the promotional texts to the same film.
In the blue circles there are the names of the main actors, a heading of the status of the film and the billing block. These are also coherent with the other promotional texts. These contain information for the audience.
The title is also a coherent feature that links the promotional texts of the film, as well as the colours used on the background and the text.
In the turquoise circle, there is a link to the synopsis of the film to further tell the narrative of the film.
This site differs from the others as it has no navigational sidebar. It also has a simple layout so that the audience isn't overwhelmed by images, colour or focus.


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